Saturday, March 27, 2010

Good Night from the Garden

Were you ever so tired you could barely move? Spring causes that here in the garden. It's a riot of colors, growth, and mud, it's messy and beautiful I just love it. Our magnolia tree is full of white flowers and the daffodils are starting to grow, my peonies are pushing their way up. It's time to get the screen porch ready for lazy warm afternoons, good books, and cool drinks. I have the next 2 weeks off and have great plans for tremendous progress with all our projects but of course as the saying goes the best laid plans of mice & men. I'm also thinking of throwing a garden party, more on that later though, too many other things to think about right now.

Tomatoes went in today, tomorrow I'll start more lettuce & the herbs. Tony has kindly offered me a flat of his lettuce which I can't wait to pick up. No progress in the garden itself, the peas and swiss chard have not sprouted yet and my dog Rubie decided to do a dance in the one row. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they grow at all, only time will tell.

My Araucanas have started to lay, little blue-green eggs. The Rhode Island Reds & Welsummers are doing a pretty good job too. The big girls are still here and laying the occasional egg as well. Hopefully this will be their last week end in the garden. The sun room is over-flowing with seedling. I really do need my greenhouse.

Great progress on the goat house! Joe & the boys got the whole thing up except for 1 roof panel which will be completed tomorrow. We've got to get the foundation down and then move the shed up to the mini pasture we've outlined for the new additions. I can't wait for the girls to arrive. I really need the milk.

After last week I've just avoided the bees altogether. I don't forget easily and my neck still hurts to remind me. We've got some really nice warm weather moving in around Thursday, maybe I"ll go out and open them up then. I might even make an attempt at feeding them again WITH full beekeeping gear on. The only thing with the gear is the veil is too big and always falls in my eyes and honestly I feel ridiculous all dressed up like that. It's easier to move in regular clothes and the neighbors don't freak out as much when you don't look like your from the CDC.

The soap molds have been revamped and work beautifully! I'm adding some pic's of the molds and the freshly cut soaps. Today at my favorite butcher, Green Village Meat Packing, they asked if I'd be interested in leaving a display of soap there. Crazy right? Seems he tried my werewolf soap and loved it. I have a fundraiser on April 23rd at Grace Episcopal Church, I'm always on board for a good cause. I'm trying to get into the Green Fair here in Madison on April 29th. I just hope I have enough soap. I did make contact with another crafter who represents a group of ladies who help support their families and communities by making these awesome hand knit cotton wash cloths, I'm very excited to start carrying her line. I'm also working very hard at talking a good friend of mine and potter extraordinaire into designing and making soap dishes for me. Since my soaps are made without fillers or preservatives they do "melt" more easily then the factory made types, a good soap dish is indispensable. If you really think about it though, isn't it a good thing the soap melts in water, that way it rinses off your skin easily too. No icky film, just clean skin. Perfect.

Good night from the garden,

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