Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A heavy heart

Hello All,
I write today with a heavy heart. My gardening guru/ nemesis who I have written about often has suffered a true tragedy. His son passed away suddenly, I missed the service because I found out too late. I cannot imagine the heartache he must feel at this time, I have lost so many important people in my life and sometimes it seems unbearable, but a child would be to much to bear. Please send your good wishes to my very dear friend.

My notes on the garden will be short as well as late. The seedlings are doing well and I will move them this weekend out to the greenhouse. Nothing to be done in the garden...it's too WET!!!

We are picking up two packages of bees on May 27th to restart our hives. We are trying Italian queens this time, supposedly they like to stay "home", and not swarm. I don't know why I think that is so funny but I do ;)

My dear sweet Kota is so pregnant, it painful to just watch her move. She barely fits through the door of her house. Her due date is April 26th and we check her 4 times a day for any signs of labor. My good fiend Kristen has generously volunteered to help with the birthing, something neither of us has done before. Kota fortunately has done it before so I will follow her lead. There is a tremendous website with more goat info then any one person should have, it has been a lifesaver for me. It's my goat bible. If you're interested it is fiascofarm.com check it out. We are going to try to video the birth of our new kids and will post it IF it works and I can get one of my boys to be the camera man.

Upcoming shows: Wednesday April 20th Normandy park School, Morristown 6:00 - 9:00
Sunday May 1st Summit Street Fair 11:00 - 5:00
I am doing a house show at a friends on April 29 & 30th, I will post the invitation, look for it.

Lastly, we have invested in a new goat house. It is 12 x 20 and should be up and ready by the 2nd week of May. I believe this calls for a Barn Raising even though the actual raising will be done by some wonderful Amish gentlemen. My thought is an open house/ garden party the end of May maybe early June. The gardens will be in (if it stops raining) the window boxes planted, and baby goats will be frolicking. Of course the soap will be around for sniffing if anyone is interested. All will be welcome, just bring a treat to share. I'll post an invite as soon as the babies arrive and I figure out a good date.

I almost forgot I would like to start calling my little hobby farm Weeping Tree Farm. I don't know the legalistic to doing that, or if there even are any. I particularly like to initials of my new farm name. I think it suits us.

Wishing you the joy and heartache of family. Love is never perfect, perfect is boring. I will never be boring.

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